The Leading Diabetes Digital Management Expert in the World

In 2002, Sinocare was founded in Changsha, China. From the outset, Sinocare has been dedicating to providing innovative, high-quality products and services to people with diabetes and other chronic diseases to improve their quality of life.

As of now, in China, more than 50% of diabetics use Sinocare products for self-monitoring. In 2016, Sinocare acquired Nipro Diagnostic Inc. (now renamed as Trividia Health Inc.) and PTS Diagnostics Inc., marking our entry into the global elite circle of the blood glucose meter industry. With 7 major R&D centers and 8 production bases across the globe. Sinocare has established a dominant presence in the global blood glucose monitoring market, ranking first in China and fourth worldwide. Each step we take is firmly in line with our vision of becoming “The Leading Diabetes Digital Management Expert in the World”. 

The Leading Diabetes Digital Management Expert in the World

Diabetes Digital Management

We are committed to developing a diabetes and related chronic disease digital management model that integrates "Biosensing + S. IoT + Smart Healthcare + Guidance for Healthy Lifestyles," providing innovative and systematic smart healthcare solutions for the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases.

Patient Self-

Integrated Inpatient and Outpatient Care
Integrated Online and Offline Services